Monday, February 3, 2020

EXCLUSIVE: Gov Stitt Invites Gun, Ammo Makers to Come to Oklahoma

Hornady however has recently introduced a blank die. I have one but haven’t used it enough to comment on it. Any regular loading press can be used, mine being the RCBS Ammo master single stage press. I use a Rockchucker for smaller blanks as they don’t need as much leverage or stroke length. One of my dies the 30 caliber I shortened to be able to crimp such cases as the 32 short cases. When I do blanks I have to back up the insert so I can get the necessary leverage and feel when doing those blanks.

make ammo at home

You can see through the green plastic and you will be able to see the bullet and the powder mixed together in the bottom of the bullet puller. You can then pour the powder and the bullet out the small hole in the side of the puller. You can then remove the cap and salvage the brass shell case with its primer intact. If possible, try to purchase new factory-loaded ammunition that is a little larger than the shell casing you need to reload. For example, if you need to reload 380 ammunition then you could buy 9 mm or 38 Special or 40 S&W, if you can find them available.

Rounds of 150 Grain FMJ Ammunition

Our top pick is the Magnum Fireproof Home Ammo Safe. The short answer is if you don’t properly store your ammo, it won’t last very long and can even cause issues with your gun, including failure to fire and misfed rounds. If you don’t store your ammo properly, it will likely eventually lead to issues with moisture that can corrode the ammo and ruin the powder and primers. Your ammo may also get damaged if they get jostled around in its container and banged around. We rated the Magnum Fireproof Home Ammo Safe as the overall best ammo safe that you can own. This safe has five shelves, is fireproof, and is constructed out of heavy-duty 14 gauge steel.

make ammo at home

The cases are head stamped for blanks and should not be used for loaded ammo with smokeless powder. The extra ignition can cause a dangerous pressure spike with smokeless powder. Using them for black powder ammo shouldn’t cause any problems which I have done. Starter kits come equipped with different accessories and some come with added goodies than others. Nevertheless, even the fullest and the well-equipped starter kit is still likely to omit an accessory or two that you’ll find yourself needing later on. The quality of bullets that come from the reloading kit is not only tied to the quality of materials you use but also to the instructions provided.


Leftover gun powder is the biggest culprit to a dirty kit but it can easily be cleaned by properly storing or throwing away the gun powder. With a little care after use, there is very little clean-up when using an ammo kit. The Best Ammo Reloading kits in the market should be easy to clean and maintain. This press features a long stroke for reloading rifle cases over 3 inches using the automatic index. The rigid cast-iron frame is used to support the ram with over 12 square inches of area.

M500 Mechanical Scale-The scale can weigh up to 505 grains with +/-0.1-grain accuracy. The scale has RCBS magnetic damping system which is known for fast and accurate readings, and easy movement. Loading is made easier by the tip-proof metal pan.

(i) RCBS  RC Supreme Master Kit

Manufacturers who provide either physical or digital copies of their recipe book sell more reloading kits compared with companies that offer only thin books. A well-thought-out book leads to better bullet quality which is the final goal of ammo reloading kits. Ammo reloading kits are quite expensive, therefore purchasing one which is able to stand the test of time will be of great advantage. The repetitive mechanical nature of a quality ammo reloading kit should be able to resist user error and bad materials being pushed through it.

make ammo at home

If you are using a 95/5 solder then multiply the weight of the lead wheel weights by 0.017 (1.7%) and add approximately that much solder to your melting pot. Do not be concerned about the metal clips attached to the top of the wheel weights. They have a significantly higher melting point and they will float to the top of the melting pot where they can be removed with a slotted spoon. A bullet made from nothing but clip-on wheel weights will still be a very good bullet. However, if you can acquire some tin then the tin will improve the casting process and give you a little more quality control over your final results.

However, a hard bullet will not be prone to gas cutting. Therefore a harder bullet is superior to a softer bullet. This same caution applies to following the advice of an "experienced bullet caster" who has been casting bullets for twenty or thirty years using the same equipment and technique. The mold casting equipment that is available today has been improved.

If you use a solid wood block as your striking surface, then the bullet should pull free from its case after about 5 or 10 medium strength blows. If you exceed twenty blows and the bullet is still inside its original shell case then you are not using enough downward force. Increase the amount of pressure a little bit and keep striking the solid wood block. When the wheel weights have completely melted you will see a gray layer of molten residue on top of the molten lead.

Certain kits can be used with a variety of bullets while others are made to only reload one type of ammo. The type of bullet that works with your ammo kit is usually clearly outlined when shopping for a reloading kit. Always ensure that the kit you are looking at is rated to be used with the kind of ammo you regularly use and reload. This is the major component of an ammo reloading kit where the ammunition is loaded and assembled. The three basic models of reloading presses are single-stage, turret, and progressive presses. Blank ammo is used for many things the most obvious being movies.

make ammo at home

The RCBS Rock Chucker allows you to take the spent brass littering your feet after a day at the range and turn it back into fire-ready live ammunition. Instead, one of the first pieces of handloading supplies you need is a tried and true bullet reloader such as an RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme. Deciding where to start with making your own bullets, however, is overwhelming. The good news is, the supplies you need to make bullets are ones you’ll likely already have or will at least be able to purchase on the cheap.

Heat treating your lead bullets immediately after casting in a cool water quenching bath will significantly increase their hardness. This will significantly reduce the potential problems of gas cutting and lead fouling inside the firearm barrel. It will also improve the accuracy of your new bullets.

make ammo at home

With those I pull the military bullets as commercial brass while available isn’t necessary for blanks. I use 15 grains of Unique to obtain a nice loud report. If I notice the shoulder buckles I just resize a bit. When you crimp the neck it puts a strain on the shoulder much the same a crimping a bullet. Some cases have soft shoulder areas which aggravates the buckling problem. I have run blank ammo on a Dillon 550 loader and I set the crimping die down tight and at the last step I have a sizing die which takes care of any shoulders that may have buckled.

Best Reloading Equipment Brands

Although all four components in the cartridge are necessary and each makes its own contribution to reliability and accuracy, it is the bullet that actually does the work. The bullet leaves the cartridge shell casing behind and travels towards its target to accomplish its objective. Wear a breathing mask to prevent the inhalation of tiny microscopic lead particles that may be floating in the air. Lead fumes can be created when melting lead, stirring lead, or pouring lead.

make ammo at home

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